Employees, customers, suppliers or the community are encouraged to raise any concerns that they have with our organisation, our people or our work practices without reprisal.
If you have a complaint, or not happy with our service or just want more information please let us know. By telling us, you give us the best opportunity of resolving queries before they escalate.
Complaints will be handled in accordance with our six point complaint process.
We have a number of ways that you can make a complaint. If you wish to notify us anonymously, we encourage you write to us;
We are committed to treating every customer with respect and fairness. If an employee, customer, supplier or community of Kooya is not satisfied with the resolution proposed through our comprehensive complaints procedure they have a have the following options also available to them.
Kooya can appoint external dispute resolution advocate who can mediate a resolution as an advocate for the customer. The advocate will meet with the customer at our expense to discuss the dispute recommend a resolution. Kooya will abide by the recommendation of the advocate.
All customers have the right to seek legal advice and have legal counsel represent their interests.
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